Our Team

Learn more about our coaches

Jim Beebe

Owner, head coach at Unbreakable Athletics Academy

Kelly Daum

Functional Fitness Coach

Jen Beebe

Functional Fitness Coach

Rob Rigdon

Functional Fitness Coach
Sports Performance Coach

Jeremy Johnson

Functional Fitness Coach

Kim McMahan

Functional Fitness Coach

Haleigh Spencer

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Kate Ashby

Functional Fitness Coach + Nutrition Coach

Tom Farrington

Functional Fitness Coach

Tom Farrington coach

Andrew Howard

Functional Fitness Coach

Tom Farrington coach

Natalie Guarnery

Functional Fitness Coach

Tom Farrington coach

Laurel Jones

Functional Fitness Coach

Tom Farrington coach
Unbreakable Athletics Academy Coaches

To learn more about our coaches, click the boxes below.

Jim Beebe
Owner, head coach at Unbreakable Athletics Academy
CrossFit Level I certificate: October 2017
CrossFit Strongman certificate: May 2016
North American Strongman Chair for Indiana
USA Powerlifting Coach since 2017
CrossFit Powerlifting and Strongman certificates
Biggest Accomplishment: Personally my 3 kids and my amazing wife. Professionally creating this business of 200+ clients that helps people consistently get healthier, stronger and sends many to the military and collegiate sports programs ready for success.

Favorite lift: Squats, Atlas Stones, Sled push

Favorite music to train to: “Ka-Mate” the Haka of the New Zealand All Blacks

Favorite quote: Self-Pity:  “I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.” D.H. Lawrence

James 1: 2-4: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything,

At 41 I look back on my life and it’s easy to recognize that I was always drawn to sports. For most in my family, it was never a priority. But I would somehow try to find a way to better myself physically in an attempt to be a better athlete. My athletic path was unusual and I played an uncommon sport, racquetball through middle school and high school. I was a former college racquetball player at Purdue University in the mid-90’s.
After several back injuries, I could no longer play racquetball and started down a very unhealthy lifestyle. Fast-forward 15 years, and my weight ballooned from 190lbs to 300lbs. I was on TRICOR medicine, snored terribly, had incredible back pain, and with 31% body fat was quite obese. In 2010 I started on the P90X program and had some success, lost weight, and got stronger. I then bought a Vitamix blender and started learning about a paleo diet and had more success. My gym offered group classes that people were calling CrossFit. I continued in those classes through 2011 and had more success. Then in 2012 I searched out and interviewed several boxes in Indianapolis. I finally settled in with CrossFit Naptown and trained there through 2012. Now I am the healthiest I have ever been.
I have been an entrepreneur for my career, have my MBA from Purdue, have owned a painting franchise, worked as an investment broker, ran a division for a state agency, etc. I knew in 2012 I wanted to own and run my own facility. I began coaching a few athletes in my garage while I was developing a plan and learning as much as I could about having my own training facility.
I’ve competed in local competitions, weightlifting, strongman, running, and triathlon competitions. I’ve also judged them as well. I went to the Central East Regionals in 2012.
I love helping others become healthier. It is tremendously rewarding and is truly fun for me. My goal is for my athletes to adopt a mindset that this is a lifestyle. There are no shortcuts. Hard work, strong habits, and solid coaching can enable athletes to do 10X more than they think capable. Success is our standard. We have the best fitness facility in the county and we want to improve significantly from there.
Kelly Daum

Functional Fitness Coach

Crossfit Level 1 Certificate holder as of Jan 2016

Lawrence North HS, 1996 BS in Fitness and Sports Studies, IU, 2001

Gymnastics coach, DeVeau’s School of Gymnastics 1996 – 2007

Gym Manager, DeVeau’s School of Gymnastics, 2002-2007

Varsity Cheer Coach, Cascade HS 2001-2006

Head Cheer Coach, Indiana Elite Cheer and Dance, 2007-2014

Married to Steve, 2003

Biggest Accomplishment: Her two boys. – RE, 8/23/06 and AJ, 6/25/11

Favorite workout: Annie, anything without running 🙂

Favorite lift: tie….. Back Squat and Cleans, also loves trying new skills

Favorite music to train toanything but metal/rock…..Morgan Wallen to DMX


Kelly has been with UAA since the early time when it opened. From the beginning, over the years, now, and in the future, Kelly has consistently made improvements. She has trained consistently week in and week out and has come a long way as an athlete and a coach. She’s excellent at making sure our athletes understand the fundamentals and are moving correctly, and thankfully she has no problem cranking up the intensity in order to get the most out of our athletes. After all, she has the Unbreakable mindset in order to coach with us.
“I love the social aspect of coaching, meeting people, keeping them accountable, and knowing each person on an individual basis so I can be of better service in and out of the gym. Coaching adults has been quite a transition from coaching kids. I have had to find new and different ways to get results out of adults, which is also what is most rewarding…when I break through to them! The best part of coaching is seeing the delight on people’s faces when they accomplish a new skill they’ve been working on.”
Jen Beebe

Functional Fitness Coach

CrossFit Level I Certificate holder as of 2016

USA Powerlifting Coach as of 2017

Completed the CrossFit Powerlifting and Strongman certificate

MacroMillionaire Nutrition

Proudest Moment: coaching Kate at collegiate nationals and seeing her pull a lifetime PR on her 3rd DL attempt

Favorite movements:  back squat, sled pushes, KBS

Favorite Workout:  any long chipper, 14.5, & DT

Favorite Music to train to: anything but EDM

Favorite Quote: “GOOD” Jocko. The quote is simple but really a prescription for life. When you are faced with adversity, your attitude should be “GOOD” – this isn’t what I planned for but what can I learn/develop/gain from this opportunity?

“Functional Fitness was something I always longed to try, but there was a little voice inside me that said it was going to be too hard.  That voice won for much too long.  One day I finally faced my fear, told that voice to shut up, and walked through the doors of UAA by myself.  I even remember my first workout – Tabata.  I couldn’t walk for a week.”

Jen not only fell in love with Functional Fitness and the UAA community, but also discovered powerlifting and strongman as well as coaching! She enjoys seeing the confidence that athletes gain from doing something they never thought was possible.  As a coach, Jen focuses more on the technical aspects and offers many scaling options.

I wish clients knew that no one cares what you wear, what you look like when you train, or what weight you can lift. The community only cares that you show up, do your best and be positive – the coaches will take care of the rest.”

You can say the rest is history.  I not only fell in love with Functional Fitness and the community, but also discovered powerlifting and strongman.  I love the confidence that people gain through doing things they never thought they could do. It’s been great, and I’ve never looked back.

Rob Rigdon
Functional Fitness Coach and On-Ramp Instructor

Crossfit Level 1 Certificate, Aerobic Capacity endorsement,  Adult/child CPR

Retired Physical Education teacher at Plainfield Community Middle School

Coached baseball, softball, swimming, golf, football and basketball

Biggest Accomplishment: The birth of his daughter

Favorite workout: Cindy

Favorite strength movement: Pull ups

Favorite music to train to: Hits from the 80’s

Favorite quote: “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.”

From a very young age, Rob has developed a love for competition and camaraderie. After nearly 40 years of participating in or coaching seven different sports, he still has the desire to compete in everything he does. In 2015 his daughter, Jessica, became an intern at Unbreakable Athletics Academy. She knew Functional Fitness was the perfect challenge for him and convinced Rob to give it a try during the summer of 2015. She was right! Functional Fitness has provided Rob with all the same opportunities for competitiveness and camaraderie that team sports have offered him. Combining both of those with his love for fitness was a perfect blend.

Rob is an enthusiastic and motivational coach. He has a never-quit attitude that becomes contagious. It’s his positive attitude toward goal achievement and his enthusiasm for fitness and a healthy lifestyle that Rob wants to share with others.

Jeremy Johnson

Functional Fitness Coach

CrossFit Level 1 Certificate since 2020
Title he is most proud of: “Dad”
Favorite workout: Cindy and Fran
Favorite lift: Sumo DL or hang cleans
Favorite music to train to: Sturgill Simpson
Favorite quote: Joshua 1:9  “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Jeremy Johnson, originally from Madison, Indiana, has been a member of the UAA community since 2013. As a coach, Jeremy enjoys working with athletes of all skill levels and teaching them something new or showing a seasoned athlete ways to improve. It can be tough to find the right vocabulary to queue the correct techniques, but Jeremy goes above and beyond to connect with athletes. He finds it most rewarding seeing it “click” when they are able to get it!  Jeremy describes his coaching style as the “Silent Observer” He is always watching, and may not always say much, but when he does it has great value and impact. He is a motivational coach and teammate and always makes himself available to help an athlete improve.

Kim McMahan

Functional Fitness Coach


Crossfit Level 1 Certificate since 2018

Biggest Accomplishment:  Learning DU’s.  I spent a lot of time learning how to do them with a single jump in between them and had to relearn how to do them without a single.  This is one of the movements that requires different strategies for different athletes to learn.  
Favorite workout: Adam Brown
Favorite lift: Snatch
Favorite music to train to: Anything but heavy metal or techno
Favorite quote: “You are one workout away from a better mood.”
Kim McMahan has been a member of the Unbreakable community since 2014.  Before becoming a coach in 2018 she had never coached before, but is a natural. Kim’s favorite part about being a coach is working with athletes in class that she coached in on-ramp sessions. She loves watching them fall in love with the gym and their new gym family! Kim is a self-proclaimed “talker” and talks to everyone, but she also is a great listener. If she hears someone seeking advice or wanting help with a movement she is always the first to offer help and guidance. Kim enjoys helping everyone find that “queue” they are looking for to make them a better athlete.
Heleigh Spencer
CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) from the National Strength and Conditioning Association 
CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) from the National Academy of Sports Medicine
Former assistant strength and conditioning coach at Washington University in St. Louis. 

Biggest Accomplishment: My proudest accomplishment as a coach was always working with the young and inexperienced athletes at Wash U and teaching them how to take up space and improve their self-confidence by being in the weight room. It was so fun to see them become comfortable and learn how to take ownership of their time in the weight room. My proudest accomplishment as an athlete was winning the 2007 NCAA DIII volleyball national championship my senior year of college. It’s been a long time but I’ll never forget that moment.

Favorite workout: “Abbate” Hero WOD

Favorite lift: Cleans

Favorite music to train to I rarely listen to music when I train (unless someone else has it on). I like the peace and focus silence can bring. But, if I had to choose, I’d choose anything fun you can dance or sing along with. 

Favorite quote: I’ll be honest, I’ve never been one for quotes. They’ve never motivated me. It sounds harsh, but once I have committed to something, I feel that I have a job to do and am motivated by not letting myself or my teammates down.


Haleigh Spencer, originally from Greencastle, IN, has been coaching with UAA since October 2021. She has many coaching credentials and loves seeing athletes accomplish something that they never thought possible. “The most rewarding thing about coaching is the relationships you build with your athletes. The most challenging thing is convincing an athlete that they need to step back, work on fundamentals first, and then add weight.  It is okay to be uncomfortable, uncertain, overwhelmed and scared when you first start. Don’t give up. Everyone started from scratch at one point. But I have always found, no matter where you are or where you’re starting from, once you push through your discomfort, you’ll find an extraordinary community.”

Brian Swazuk
Functional Fitness Coach
CrossFit L1 Certification 
Proudest Accomplishment: My family: Wife Megan and son Sidney. 
Favorite workout: Grace on the Run
Favorite lift: Dead lift and Back Squat
Favorite music to train to: Classic Rock
Favorite quote: There  is no try. Only do.” -Yoda
Brian Swazuk is the most recent additional to our coaching staff joining in January of 2022. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Brian relocated to Indiana in 2007.  Growing up Brian was always athletic and very active playing soccer, hockey and baseball. He still plays baseball with Hoosier Townball Association every summer. Brian describes his coaching style as friendly and fun while still pushing for athletes to work hard and push through limits and barriers. He tries to make it enjoyable so that members seek out his classes.

 “My favorite aspect about coaching is seeing people accomplish things that they never thought they would be able to do. It is at times challenging to instruct proper mechanics on movements that I still struggle with myself, however with proper cues and instruction its great to see people succeed! I throughly enjoy meeting new faces and getting to know all of our UAA community. I wish more people were aware  that every single thing we do can be adapted and scaled to every single person that walks through those doors. UAA is not designed to only make the strong, stronger. It is designed to make every single person faster, stronger and better. “

Kate Ashby
Functional Fitness Coach
Nutrition Coach 
Macro Missionary Nutrition Certification 

Biggest Accomplishment: Coming back from my shoulder surgery, my doctors told me I wouldn’t be able to do much even after I was healed and did a year of physical therapy. I could have stayed content with that answer and lived in fear of re-injuring my shoulder, but that is no way to live life! With the help of coaches at UAA, I have never been stronger and I can do more than I ever thought possible while staying healthy and pain free!


Favorite workout:  Diane or Annie

Favorite lift: Deadlifts…DUH!

Favorite music to train to: Cringey but…country

Favorite quote: “The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing” -Walt Disney

Kate Ashby, grew up in Plainfield Indiana. She has been coaching training sessions at UAA for almost 2 months, but previously coached Sports Performance sessions with us two years ago. Before joining us this round, Kate was training and coaching at Full House Fitness for two years in Bloomington, IN where she attended college at Indiana University. Kate enjoys pushing people outside of their comfort zone to achieve greatness. She would describe herself as very technical and loves encouraging members and being positive! For Kate, the most challenging part of coaching is learning important aspects of each individual member whether that be mobility issues, injuries, or what type of coaching style motivates them. It is so rewarding for her when it finally clicks and the right ques lead them to even bigger success in strength and workouts. Some advice from Kate for anyone thinking of joining UAA: “Be prepared to be humbled and your ego checked, but you will find a “community”here. I say community, but it is really a family that will help you at your lowest and cheer you on at your highest points inside and outside of the gym.”

Tom Farrington
Functional Fitness Coach
Biggest Accomplishment: Besides all the obvious things of marriage and kids I would have to say that being the First Sergeant of the Indiana National Guard’s Parachute Infantry Company is my proudest accomplishment.
Favorite workout: Comfort is a Slow Death (My WOD)
Favorite lift: Tough to narrow it down but I really love deadlifts
Favorite music to train to:  I can be happy with none but my go-to is classic rock.  
Favorite quote: “He who is only an athlete is too crude, too vulgar, too much a savage.  He who is a scholar only is too soft, too effeminate.  The ideal citizen is the scholar athlete, the man of thought and the man of action.”  Plato
Tom was born in the Panama Canal Zone and from there moved around from Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana after his father retired from he Army. He does consider Oscoda, Michigan where he graduated from High School his hometown.  HOBBIES HERE. Tom would describe his coaching style as encouraging with a high degree of emphasis on meeting the standard. If you know Tom at all, this should come as no surprise. Tom has been “coaching” young guys in the National Guard and Fire Department, helping them come up with plans to stay in shape and execute them for many years. Tom always gives 100% effort with attention to detail and movement standard every time he steps foot in the gym. Tom enjoys coaching and helping others reach their potential. “What I enjoy most about coaching is the interaction with people who care enough about themselves to be at the gym! The most challenging for me is managing the time for warming up, strength training, the METCON and of course adding social hour to that mix. It is extremely rewarding when a member coming to class, becomes a part of their life, and they are seeing their goals come to fruition. I hope new members will remember that it’s OK to start right where they are.  We can scale any workout to meet their needs and if they work hard they will see the results they are looking for.”
Andrew Howard
Functional Fitness Coach
West Side Barbell Rule of Three Certified
Plainfield High School Football Coach

Biggest Accomplishment: Participating in his first CrossFit competition this year, Icebreaker!

Favorite WOD: Doesn’t currently have one.

Favorite lift:Squats

Favorite music to train to: Anything, but when attempting PR’s Andrew needs some heavy metal or rap music!

Andrew Howard has joined our UAA community and is adding immense value to our Sports Performance class sessions! In February, Andrew passed “The Rule of Three” certification course through Westside Barbell. Andrew previously coached high school football at Cloverdale, and will join the Plainfield coaching staff this season. Andrew describes his coaching style as fun, but stern. He most enjoys seeing the kids be active and improve themselves while training with us. Andrew finds adapting his coaching style to the needs of individual athletes difficult at times, however it is extremely rewarding seeing them try new movements and accomplish PR’s! Something Andrew wishes athletes new before joining our UAA community: “We may look like a bunch of crazy lunatics but the people in this gym would do absolutely anything for the other members. Such a great community!

“God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it”
Natalie Guarnery
Functional Fitness Coach
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer: March 2018
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer: June 2013
USA Weightlifting Level 2 Trainer: June 2021
USA Weightlifting Level 1 Trainer: April 2014
Sports/Fitness Nutrition Coach: Jan 2017
Barbell Rehab Method Certified: Jan 2024

Biggest Accomplishment: My biggest accomplishment, after my family, is walking into my first CrossFit gym at 37 years old after having thyroid cancer and a family loss and changing the trajectory of my health.

Favorite workout: Any workout including Olympic Lifting (Snatch and Clean & Jerk).

Favorite lift: Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Bench Press, and more!

Favorite music to train to: 70/80’s Hip Hop!

Favorite quote: “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” -John C. Maxwell

As a coach, I am here to meet you where you are and help you push safely through your current limits. I want you to understand being uncomfortable is exactly where we all need to be for growth. We are all capable of doing the hard stuff to become healthier and better versions of our current selves. Group training brings an element of community and fun while doing that hard stuff. As someone who tried and failed to incorporate a healthy exercise routine, it wasn’t until I found a community of people who were just like me that it finally stuck. We got through the challenges together and helped each other stay accountable – that’s a wonderful gift. I’ve been fortunate enough to train and coach at several gyms around the country and meet some of the greatest people who just want to be healthier, like me.

Laurel Jones
Functional Fitness Coach
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer: 2020
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer: 2022
Seven Springs CrossFit Affiliate Owner in Florida 2021-2023

Proudest life Accomplishment: My family: amazing husband Austin, and daughter, who I am convinced is the most joyful girl in the world. 

Proudest Functional Fitness Accomplishment: Every single day that I get to coach.

Favorite Lift: Clean and Jerk…but I love rowing and wall balls 😉

Favorite Workout: Karen & Grace

Favorite Music to Train To: Worship music. Keeps the heart rate down 🙂


Laurel started her fitness journey in college in 2017. Earlier in her athletic career she had fallen off of a horse and crushed her elbow, and was then told she could no longer play contact sports. Along came functional fitness, which got her through graduate school. She then moved to Florida and jumped into coaching at an amazing gym in Tampa, Seven Springs CrossFit, which she then took over ownership of and ran for two years until she and her husband were preparing for their first baby, and decided to move back to Indy in 2023 to raise their kids closer to family. This is when she joined UAA and jumped right into the amazing community that it offers. Laurel loves every aspect of training; from the lifting and skill work, to long endurance WODs, to short soul crushing ones, to the mobility work after – it all brings her to her happy place. Though she considers herself a decent athlete, she sees herself as a better coach. She enjoys learning new cues, refining her coaching eye, introducing an athlete to a new movement, implementing the smallest changes to an experienced athlete’s movement, and seeing all of the victory moments that come from hard work and dedication to a specific skill. Catch her dancing to any music during class, and yelling “LET’S GO” in the middle of any WOD! 

“1 Corinthians 10:31. I do it all for God’s glory.”

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