Unbreakable Nutrition

Creating Unbreakable Lifestyles
After the closures statewide ended in May I wanted to address the weight gain I had experienced. I wanted to get a firm grasp on my nutrition for my own well being. Now, I am in better shape than at any previous point in my life. In my past I have experienced severe highs and lows as far as weight gain. At one point in my life I was 309lbs. I am now 226lbs. With the coaching and skills I have gained from Unbreakable Lifestyle & Nutrition I have been able to develop consistent,sustainable, positive nutrition habits which allows me more freedom.

I started working with Unbreakable Lifestyle & Nutrition because I had become very relaxed with my diet and was not eating as well as I could be. I was looking for a way to create healthy habits that would lead me to a sustainable lifestyle of eating in the best way for my body and activity level. Having a coach hold me accountable has helped me to also make my nutrition a priority. Thanks to this program I feel like I am healthier and my strength and fitness are improving!

Schedule an Appointment

Today is the day to begin taking control of your nutrition and seeing your goals achieved. We are here and ready to tailor a plan to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals! Schedule an appointment today!

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About our Nutrition Coaches

This power coaching duo that makes up Unbreakable Lifestyle & Nutrition focuses on the individual and their unique nutrition needs and goals. Nutrition is not a one size fits all. Everyone’s goal is unique, and it is important to know your “why”. That WHY can be anything from improving performance, reducing health risks, or looking and feeling better. We are here to assist you reach your goals through an individualized plan personally developed by your coach. We understand the demands of life and our natural tendency to place ourselves last on the priority list. Part of our coaching style is to help our clients navigate through the life’s obstacles and maintain the healthy lifestyle and habits that are created while also living our best life. This process is truly what makes someone have an “unbreakable” lifestyle.

Jen Beebe

Hi I’m Jen and am the lucky mom of 6 kids and 3 dogs. Most of my life I dabbled in fitness and the nutrition fad of the month. I say dabbled because I had always put my needs behind everyone else. It wasn’t until 2013 that I decided I was done dabbling and was going to take my health seriously. I tried a CrossFit gym despite my fears. CrossFit became a gateway for me and introduced me to the sports of PowerLifting and Strongman which I love. It was through our gym and the lessons I learned here that I started to create an Unbreakable mindset which led to the idea of creating Unbreakable Lifestyles for others.

I wanted to share this Unbreakable mindset with others and start helping others create an Unbreakable Lifestyle. I have a CrossFit L1, am a USA Powerlifting Certified Coach and then have my Nutrition Certification through MacroMissionary.

I love working with my nutrition clients. Formulating an individualized plan for clients and watching them reach have success gives me great joy.

Kate Ashby

Hi I’m Kate, mom to none and hopefully a fur baby when I am settled.

I was an athlete all through high school playing volleyball and softball. I began competing in CrossFit during my high school years and still CrossFit to this day. Once in college I focused on PowerLifting and was fortunate to compete at the NCAA Collegiate Powerlifting Nationals.

I started my love of nutrition when I was in high school and began eating to optimize my athletic performance. Then I was the kid who took meal prep containers to school while my friends ate cheeseburgers and Snickers bars for lunch. Fast forward to college where my friends ate fast food and beer; I witnessed the cycle of binge eating and drinking first hand. During college I was diagnosed with a medical condition that rocked my world and found myself having to use nutrition to help heal from the effects of my medical condition. I still am the person who meal preps and cooks most of my meals even though I am cooking only for myself.

I understand the challenges to maintaining a healthy lifestyle when a supportive community is absent. This became my passion…building and guiding a community of those who have similar goals of living an Unbreakable Lifestyle gives me great joy.

Nutrition Resources

You can purchase supplements directly from us by clicking HERE.

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