Alecia Olin has been training with us for three years. She is 38 and originally from Cincinnati. Before joining our team Alecia was nervous but desperately wanted something more than just a basic workout routine. Now she can’t imagine training somewhere else. “Training at Unbreakable is a life changer. You want motivation? You get it here, as well as friendships, family, focus, and determination. Tell someone your goals and everyone helps you to reach them.” Her favorite strength movement is the clean and jerk and this summer she increased her PR by #20! She is currently working on her goal of increasing this weight to more than #100. Alecia has improved in all areas since starting training. Like many members she started with an empty barbell. With consistent training and discipline she has continually improved across the board. 1RM back squat 165, 3×3 deadlift 175, and Bench Press max is 120. While Alecia enjoys strength training she loves Hero Wods. The meaning behind each one makes them special and looking back to see how she has improved at each one over time is motivational. One of these Wods is Chris Kyle. “Not even halfway through I wanted to scale down. At halfway I just wanted to quit. Throw up. Pass out. Something about my gym keeps me going. That piece of yourself that you didn’t know existed comes up, and along with your fellow gym family, tells you not to give up. To press through the hazy fog of your brain and the the exhaustion in your muscles and keep going. You do more than you thought possible.” “Unbreakable has done so many things for me. It didn’t just improve me physically, it was where I went to be better mentally, too. During difficult times it became my sanctuary. When I felt like all I had left was just me, UAA made me realize that I was strong enough to handle nearly everything that came my way. It kept me motivated and positive. The members of have made me feel like family, encouraging me, pushing me, cheering me on. I’ll never find a place that compares.