Brian has been a valuable member of our UAA community for years, and most recently has been taking part in our U-22 Challenge. Here is what Brian has to say about his time with us at Unbreakable.
“I have been working with Unbreakable Athletics since 2018 and Unbreakable Nutrition and Fitness since February 2021. The results have been phenomenal … when I follow the program.
During the first half of 2021 I dropped my weight and decreased my body fat to about 18%. I was incredibly proud, but decided it was time to move from a calorie deficit to a maintenance level.
Unfortunately, my brain took this as an excuse to just go completely off the reservation and lose all discipline with food. I kept up the workouts and continued to gain muscle, but the fat came back too and in December, my body fat was back up to about 24%
I joined the U-22 program because I needed a refresher course in nutrition and I wanted the accountability of having a group. It’s been a success. I’ve lost about 10 pounds and I have been enjoying the discipline that comes with being in a program that requires record keeping and reporting to a group.
Sure, there are things I still need to do, like make some real headway with my reading, but getting to know my accountability partner and sharing with our group has made the process easier to handle.
When the challenge is finished, I will be better equipped to handle this on my own … most of the time. I still hope to be able to do some periodic check-ins because the accountability is important.”