Haleigh has been an Unbreakable member since July 2020. She is already making a huge impact on her own health as well as the fitness and strength of our student athletes. Haleigh worked in various roles in college athletics for ten years prior to her current position. Her passion for student athletes and health is evident when you talk with her about it. Haleigh’s fitness journey has been full of variety! Running was no longer providing the competitive outlet that she was seeking and was becoming more of a chore. She has always been very competitive and has played multiple sports her entire life. Her brother does CrossFit and after hearing of his experience she knew a gym like Unbreakable was exactly what she was looking for! Haleigh has been working with Unbreakable Lifestyle and Nutrition since December of 2020. With increased knowledge she is gaining and accountability from her coach, Kate, she is finding great success with the nutrition program. “The biggest success is having more knowledge about what I’m eating. I never would have thought I don’t get enough protein, but that has been the biggest and best change so far. I need accountability and Kate does such a great job of making me stay accountable and helping me find little, manageable tweaks to keep me progressing.” Haleigh’s favorite moment at UAA has been being able to do chin ups! She writes down her goals, so she sees them everyday. It is a constant reminder of what she is working towards. She would love to one day run the Boston Marathon, but in the interim is working on mastering kipping pull ups.