I’m stronger because I had to be. I’m smarter because of my mistakes, happier because of the sadness I’ve known, and now wiser because I’ve learned.–Unknown


Ordering shirts on 11/9. Event is 11/19.

WOD 1: Strength
10 minutes to establish 2 maxes:
Rx: 1RM Snatch + 10RM Press/Jerk (any)
Scaled: 1RM Hang Clean + 10 RM Press/Jerk (any)

WOD 2: 12min AMRAP
Rx: 12 FS #135/95 + 24 BB Burpees + 48 DU
Scaled: 12 FS #95/65 + 24 BB Burpees + 96 SU

WOD 3: Chipper. 12min time cap
Rx: 500M row + 40 box overs + 30 Amer. KBS #53/35 + 20 C&J #115/75 + 10 Pull-Ups
Scaled: 500M row + 40 box overs + 30 Russ. KBS #53/35 + 20 DL #115/75 + 10 HRPU

HMFIC: Top Male vs. Top Female



  • Find your 3RM pull up and 3RM KBS


  • 6mins. 0:30/0:30 (on/off) rowing for total meters
  • 6mins. 0:30/0:30 (on/off) burpee box overs



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