Grab a partner and head over to Unbreakable for a fair test of your fitness!! These are the options:
- Rx Male/Male
- Rx Female/Female
- Scaled Male/Male
- Scaled Female/Female
There will be prizes for everyone on the podium as well as for the winners for each event. This event is popular so register now!
There will be three WODs + floater WODs. Top four teams will advance to the final WOD. The scoring will be cumulative. T-shirt is included.
Anything goes. But there are certain things you couldn’t see until the finals: muscle ups, hand stand push-ups and walks, Atlas stones for load, sleds, tire flips, kegs and sand bags. You could see everything else in the main WODs, strength tests, and floater WODs.
You could see any barbell movement for a strength test. Things you won’t see at all: muscle ups, double unders, hand stand movements of any kind, pistols, rope climbs, toes to bar, chest to bar pull-ups.
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