What’s the Hardest Part of Getting Fit?

This is a question that is indicative to an overarching mental approach to habits, tasks, and challenges. Most look for the one thing that makes the difference. It’s an easier concept to manage. “If I can just do this one thing, I’ll be ok.” The reality is that there...

How Can A Fitness Coach Help You Reach Your Goals Faster

Coaches help people accomplish goals faster through expertise, accountability, motivation, and insight. Here are some examples. Athlete 1: Trains at a gym already. Expertise: The coach will help you apply the day’s training program to what your goals are. For example,...

Eliminate THE GRIND From Your Program

More Does Not Equal Better Grind (verb): reduce (something) to small particles or powder by crushing it; hard dull work “The Grind”: buzzwords used by sports coaches and strength coaches alike to describe the hard work – heavy weights, sprint-jogging, excessive...

Will Lifting Make me Bulky?

Answers to most questions: it depends. Yes and No. So, what is the goal? What is your Why? What’s been happening along the way? No answer: We recommend lifting weights to add strength to perform life’s functions optimally. We believe we should be able to move our own...

Can I Gain Muscle Mass and Get shredded at the Same Time?

Probably not. Gaining muscle and size requires more calories. On average it takes another 3500 calories to gain one pound. And gaining a pound of muscle is hard because it requires multiple sessions of training to get the muscles to grow. For example, if I have 25%...
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