Ice Breaker Update

Ice Breaker Update

Ice Breaker Update WOD 1: WOD 2: WOD 3: Above are videos for the 3 main WODs. We will post the video for WOD 1A early next week. The...
Ice Breaker Update

Ice Breaker WOD 1

Spots are filling up nicely for our Ice Breaker event. This partner competition is a great tune up for the CrossFit Open. You will see movements that are consistent with the Open as well as others that will challenge your fitness. You will definitely know what your...

Summer Bash III

Summer Bash III Update For CrossFit… WOD 1: 12 minute AMRAP of thrusters. But, EMOM (every minute on the minute, including the first minute) stop and complete 4 barbell-facing burpees Weight: Men Rx #115, Men Scaled #95, Women Rx #75, Women Scaled #65, Teen Male...
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