• Let’s look at injuries. Even if you are doing everything perfectly, they can still occur. And if your technique, load, intensity or recovery are off, then injuries are very likely. This is the first part in a series on injuries.

This can be a hard one, especially if you let it. Injury = time off. Time off = setbacks. Right? Well, it depends.


  • You are not playing.
  • You are not practicing.
  • Muscle can weaken and atrophy.
  • Speed can decrease.
  • Flexibility and mobility can decrease.
  • The person taking your place could do well and excel.
  • Your team could underperform without you.
  • Negative feelings could impact your mood. 

No: Let’s look at each “negative” listed above and see how a constructive reaction will impact the outcome positively for you and your team. For this article, we will address the first two items.

Not Playing or Practicing

Your injury has the time to heal. The rest of your body has time to heal. Your nervous system can recover as well.

Own it 100%. There was at least one reason you got injured. Figure out why so it’s not repeated. As you’re watching others get injured, figure out why they did. Then be sure not to repeat their mistakes as well. Example: you’re weak. That’s why you broke your collar bone. Answer: commit your Training to get stronger! Another example: you were out of position and got blindsided. Answer: watch more film so your level of Knowledge increases.

You can watch your team practice more. You can watch your team compete. You can watch your opponents compete. On that surface, it sucks. I get it. But now you have plenty of hours to learn from others’ success and mistakes. Absorb it all. Talk with coaches and Teammates more and learn constantly.

You can still work on your Training. There is some part of you that can move. It is not a time to give up. It is a time to address every area that’s been neglected. Perhaps you didn’t prioritize your mobility because of limited time. Well, make that happen now while you can. Either way, get your ass in the gym and figure out what you can do and execute.

Watch a ton more film. You already weren’t watching enough. Fact. Now take advantage and pump as much Knowledge and film into that you can.

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