10/12/16 Partner WOD

10/12/16 Partner WOD

It’s about doing things that you haven’t done before, where you’re still kind of a beginner, and not resting on your laurels.–Caterina Fake Strength: Fitness: 15mins. 400m run + 20 box overs CrossFit / Competition: 10min EMOM. 2 hang cleans + 3...


What are you training for? What is your goal?–Mark Clevenger Training Strength Fitness: 12minutes: 10 wide push ups + 10 KBS + 10 regular push ups + 10 KBS + 10 diamond push ups + 10 KBS CrossFit: 4X8 bench press Competition: 4X8 bench press. Pause for 2 seconds...
10/10/16 Distractions

10/10/16 Distractions

The vast majority of things are distractions, and very few really matter to your success.–Evan Williams Training. We are doing two-week training blocks. The strength pieces will be the same as last week. Attempt to improve slightly over last week in any way....
10/9/16 Sunday Sunday

10/9/16 Sunday Sunday

We will either find a way, or make one.–US Marines Sunday Funday. Come in and attack your weaknesses. Work on your goals. Enjoy the time in the gym and get it done. #CFUStrong
10/8/16 Carries / Sleds

10/8/16 Carries / Sleds

Success is actually a short race–a sprint fueled by discipline just long enough for habit to kick in and take over.–Gary Keller Training Strength: Fitness: 15minutes. Row 300M + 100 single under + 1 minute plank CrossFit / Competition: 10min EMOM....
10/7/16 Push Press + DU

10/7/16 Push Press + DU

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.–Jack Canfield Training Strength Fitness: 15mins. 5 wall walks + 15 pull aparts CrossFit / Competition: 4X8 Push Press + 15 pull...
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