8/12/16 Lunge City

To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way.–Mike Gafka If you can, please help support the CFU athletes competing tomorrow: Clash At Castlewood: http://www.3dayweekend.com/Clash-At-Castlewood-C242.aspx Natalie and Talia Rookie...

8/11/16 Bench

Anyone who has a why to live can bear almost any what.–Nietzsche Strength: 4X12 bench press. Every 2 mins WOD: 15 min partner AMRAP Resting partner = plank hold 20 goblet squats 20 KB push presses 20 Russian twists (each) #HAF...

8/10/16 WOD First

Always deliver more than expected.–Larry Page 8mins max calorie row 2 minute break 8 min AMRAP 15 push presses 15 hang cleans #165/105   Strength: 15 mins for quality Down and Backs front rack sand bag carry stone carry unbalanced farmers carry unbalanced...


Wherever you are, be all there.–Jim Elliot Strength: Back squat 4X12 reps, every 2mins. Start at 50%. Most likely you won’t advance past 70%. WOD: 3RFT 400M run 40 leap frog squats 40 DUs #CFUStrong  ...

8/8/16 12’s!!!

Get busy living. Or get busy dying.–Andy Dufrane from Shawshank Redemption Big day on Saturday. Over a dozen CFU athletes are competing at 3 different venues. Try to support them if you can! Training Strength: Pressing 4X12 Strict Press. Do a set every 2...

8/6/16 Bulgarians

“Kiss slowly, laugh insanely, live truly, and forgive quickly.”–Paulo Coelho Most decisions in our everyday life will not be life-or-death ones. The challenge for many of us today is that we have all sorts of options, most of them designed to make...

8/5/16 BP

“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”–Warren Buffett Strength: two sets of bench press today. 4X4 wide grip bench press 4X4 close grip bench press Banded rows between sets. 8 reps each WOD: 50 wall balls 4 minute...

8/4/16 DL

“When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.”–William Arthur Ward Strength: Full stop dead lifts. Not touch and go. 6X3. Bridges between sets WOD: 16min of interval training. 0:40/0:20 work/transition...

8/3/16 Partner Joy

“It’s never too late to redefine self-control, to change long ingrained habits, and to do the work you’re capable of.”–Seth Godin Dynamic warm up today with a mini core WOD to start. Then… 30 min partner WOD Both run 1 mile...

8/2/16 The jerk store called…

“No one ever achieved greatness by playing it safe.”–Harry Gray Strength: Push jerk or split jerk. Like last week, work on jerks if you’re already comfortable with push press. 5X5 jerk and 5X10 pull aparts WOD: 14min ascending ladder 2 bear...
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