by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 20, 2016 | WOD
Discipline Equals Freedom.–Jocko Willink, US Navy SEAL. Think about this statement. What does it mean in terms of your training and health, your work and income, your free time? Think about it. Strength: 15 minutes for quality. Carry stuff. 100′ farmers...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 15, 2016 | WOD
Summer Bash You can check in and grab your shirt between 4:30 and 6:30 PM today. Gym is closed Sunday. Training Cindy + Griff Cindy = 20min AMRAP or 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats. Rest 2 minutes Griff = 2RFT of 800M run + 400M backward run...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 14, 2016 | WOD
If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way not to win.–Carl Lewis Summer Bash is Saturday!!! Gym is closed Sunday. Strength: BP 6X4 Bench Press w one drop set of 20 at 60% of the day’s max Banded Rows WOD: 40 KB Push Ups, KB High...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 13, 2016 | WOD
Confidence only comes from doing.–Jim Beebe Summer Bash is Saturday!!! Gym is closed Sunday. Strength: Summer Bash III WOD 1 Find your heaviest weight in this complex: 1 DL + 1 CL + 1 FS + 1 Press/Jerk WOD: Tabata 8X 0:20 max effort / 0:10 rest Rowing 8X 0:20...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 12, 2016 | WOD
The road to success runs up hill.– Willie Davis Strength: Squatting 6X4 Back squat w one drop set of 20 at 60% of the day’s high. Bridges WOD: SB III WOD 1 12mins max thrusters with 4 BB burpees EMOM...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 11, 2016 | WOD
It doesn’t get easier. You just get stronger. Summer Bash is Saturday. Be there to cheer on your CFU athletes. Gym is closed Sunday to get it back together. Strength: 8X3 Push Press HAF Pull a parts between sets WOD: Summer Bash III WOD 3. Chipper 30 calorie row...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 9, 2016 | WOD
You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with any satisfaction.–George Lorimer Summer Bash Sign up today if you still want to receive a shirt!! Training Strength Take 15 mins and work up...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 8, 2016 | WOD
Adam Brown…take some time this month and read the book, Fearless, by Eric Blehm. Here is a link to Brown’s page: Training Strength: Take 15 mins and work up to a 3RM Floor Press. 10 banded pull a parts between sets. WOD:...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 7, 2016 | WOD
When you think you’re done, you’re only at 40% of what your body is capable of doing. That’s just the limit that we put on ourselves.–Mark Divine Training Strength/Skill work: Natalie’s gymnasty stuff. WOD 5 rope ascends 20 air squats 4...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 6, 2016 | WOD
Summer Bash: Training Strength: 12X2 Strict Press. EMOM. 65%. All are working sets. Bar speed. Bar speed. Bar speed. WOD: “300” WOD 25 pull ups 50 DL #135/95 50 push ups 50 box overs...