by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 5, 2016 | WOD
If it doesn’t suck, we don’t do it.–US Navy SEAL quote. Summer Bash is 7/16. Spots remain. If you’re thinking about doing it, you should. Why? Because events make people uncomfortable, me included. That’s why we sign up for them. Being...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 1, 2016 | Announcements, EVENTS, WOD
Summer Bash III Update For CrossFit… WOD 1: 12 minute AMRAP of thrusters. But, EMOM (every minute on the minute, including the first minute) stop and complete 4 barbell-facing burpees Weight: Men Rx #115, Men Scaled #95, Women Rx #75, Women Scaled #65, Teen Male...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jul 1, 2016 | WOD
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.–John Muir Tomorrow we will have CrossFit at The Hill at Hummel Park. Training Strength Take 14mins and work up to a 3RM pausing front squat. Pause for 5 secs, each. WOD: 15min partner AMRAP One partner runs 400M....
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jun 30, 2016 | WOD
You don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.–Edwin Louis Cole The beauty of CrossFit is that it exposes your weakest link. You might be great at marathons, but lack upper-body strength. You might be strong, but lack the endurance...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jun 29, 2016 | WOD
CFU at Farmer’s Market. Come check us out this afternoon. CFU classes this Saturday will be at The Hill at Hummel Park. Yoga will be at the box. CF at Hummel. Training Strength 10X2 EMOM (1 DL + 1 Power Clean) WOD: Rx 21-15-9 OHS #115/75 9-6-3 Snatch 3-2-1 MU...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jun 28, 2016 | WOD
Most obstacles melt away when we make up our minds to walk boldly through them.–Orison Swett Marden 7/2/16: CrossFit will be at The Hill in Hummel Park. Don’t be late. Summer Bash III: Training Strength: 10X2 Strict Press at 70% EMOM...
by chetcromer_ut5n0x1i | Jun 27, 2016 | WOD
Monday: 6/27 Strongman Clinic 5:30-7:30PM Wednesday: 6/29 CFU at Plainfield’s Farmers Market. We need volunteers to do a short WOD in the evening for display. See a coach at the box about this. Saturday, July 2, training will be at THE HILL. Not at CFU. Yoga is...